Friday, January 24, 2014

The Ideal Warm Up for Older Runners

If you are an older runner of 50 or 60 plus years of age, have you ever thought that the warm up you used to do is not what you need now?
Many studies have shown that static stretching is not particularly helpful in preparing for physical activity or in preventing injuries. The term stretching implies forcefully lengthening a muscle beyond its normal state. It is entirely possible for someone using this method, if they overstretch to injure themselves or tear tissue.  I know this from personal experience in trying to stretch into the splits for a martial arts class many years ago. 

There is a better approach.    Rather than stretching we will use the term functional lengthening.   To function well in running we need to have the ability and range of motion throughout the body required to coordinate running movements. The modern lifestyle which includes lots of sitting in chairs robs us over the years of some of this movement ability. Sitting tends to shorten and compress us in many ways. The conventional approach is to “stretch” or pull on isolated body parts, such as the calves or hamstrings. But running involves much more than isolated body parts.  Running is truly a whole body activity. It is better for older runners to lay aside the idea of forceful stretching and cultivate better movement.  Here is a quick example of an integrated whole body movement.

Stand and lift your right hand gently in the direction of the ceiling. Reach up for an imaginary object overhead. But instead of reaching higher by using effort through the arm, begin to lengthen the entire right side of yourself by using your breath to expand the ribs on the right side. Use your awareness to track the expansion of the right side with each in-breath, in succession from the right waist, to the right lower ribs, the right upper ribs. Follow also the movement of shortening on the other side as you reach upward on the right side. Do this gently and notice the restored length on the right side. Repeat on the left side. 

One of the most effective things that you can do as a real dynamic warm up is using the walk-run method.  If you are going to be running with people who don’t start out slowly or be participating in an event, leave time to walk a couple of minutes and run a few seconds, going back and forth between walking and running until your joints, muscles and tendons feel ready to go. If you are running by yourself this is an excellent way to start the run itself. In longer events, or when starting a running program use this method as it fits what you are doing.
 Don’t forget the value of a morning hot shower before a long run.  Run Strong Forever and have fun!

 To learn much more about the ideal warm up for older runners go to

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