“We act
according to our self image” –M. Feldenkrais
What an idea
this is. What a statement and what possibilities it opens for us.
Our action,
our movement embodies everything we think and are. If we change our action, our
movement, we have a way of changing our self image. What we often think of
doing is “changing our mind”. But here is something else. What if we try to
change our mind but leave our actions unchanged? This leaves us somehow short
of what we want to do. But in changing our actions we have a way of changing
our habits and affecting real expansion of our options. Notice the lead runner,
Sebastian Coe, in the photo above. Notice the long stride which is created by
the coordination of every part of himself in the running movement. See the long
spine, the whole body spiral and the confident, powerful posture.
Now look at the second runner. Can you see
what he might be feeling through his action?
He seems to be looking downward, straining somewhat in the neck muscles,
collapsing the chest slightly. Does this posture seem as confident? Is it as powerful? What is this way of acting
expressing? At this very moment in time is he expressing, ease or struggle?
All Olympic
runners have spent years training. What if we only practiced quality? This
would include times and distances, but also perfecting our movement, our
action, our thinking. What if our training included better acting and not just
more? What if quality and single mindedness were fundamental elements instead
of add-ons? Win or lose you will find that Seb Coe maintained great form and
great presence. Perhaps by changing our actions we could learn more to “change
our minds”. Integrated action and a unified mind is the
mark of greatness.
What if we
changed our minds about training altogether?
What if training was not merely a physical activity but a body/mind
activity, a learning process? What if we
turned the traditional training pyramid around?
Here are the “old fitness pyramid” and the new model.
The old pyramid: go for it and roll the dice.
The new
pyramid! Build a foundation and succeed.
The difference between the two is the emphasis on the brain as the
organizer of intention and on the learning process and the cycle of improvement
before success. In the traditional pyramid success is achieved through force,
i.e. adhering to rigid training and using will power without awareness. In the second pyramid success is achieved
through self- knowledge, unifying the will more deeply and improving body
organization. You can see why there are plateaus
and injuries in the first model, as more and more force is applied without and
real improvement in action. In the second model there is no end to learning. -Till next time, Scott
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