Tuesday, August 5, 2014

At Night In the Dark

At night in the dark
Where freedom lies,
In dreams
In times of new creation
You wave the magic wand of gifts.
You are your deepest self.
You wander in all the realm and explore
Your power unlimited,
Your joy unfolding,
No artificial limits encumbering.
You walk your path searching for answers that will appear
Before morning comes.
You walk with lightness, even fly
Or sometimes labor to bring forth a new thing,
A new life.
But all the time there is a power, a fun,
A knowing of awesomeness and security
Somewhere upholding.

Oh what is sweeter than a dream?
You awake and find
That faith has grasped what is not seen.
Oh, what you dreamed does not yet appear,
It is not seen or felt or heard,
Logic does not make it appear.
It is only known and with the eyes of knowing does now appear.
But what is this appearing and how does it show in doing,
But not in doing alone.
For doing is only a shadow I’m told of the dream,
Of the gift, of our personal goal,
And training is only a tool.
An artist cares only for the expression of art
Not so the factory.
For a dream is amorphous till we give it shape,
Yet a shape alone is boring. 
Only some shapes are alluring, sensual, preeminent
And true to the true form, the true form,
That is us in our dreams.
So what is our doing and how do we do.
For quality and learning are the tools of true you.

Oh, what is sweeter than a dream realized!
Victory, arms raised in triumph, tears of joy.
For you have done it, you have waved that wand of gift
You stood true to your calling.
And now you have
A story of greatness to tell to all.
You have stayed the course, you have fought a good fight,
And no one can take that away from you.
You are you and more
For you are now more of you.

Oh, what is sweeter than a dream realized!
You dream and you dream
And back you go to a land that is even greater than then
And now it opens up oh so much more.
There is more here than I had seen before.
For greater power and ease and greater horizons appear.
For now I know nothing,
Even less than before.
Now I am only beginning,
For I have just opened the door.
For now I am pregnant once more,
And now I labor mightily again.
The joy, the expectation, the struggle, I have known before.
But the newness, the newness is greater still.
The wonder of dreams
Oh, what is sweeter than a new dream!

 Scott Forrester copyright Aug 2014

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