Sunday, March 23, 2014

What is your relationship with the ground?

I am looking forward to sharing this blog with you. I think it will be a lot of fun and will inform your running and your pleasure. I start with the question, have you ever considered your relationship with the ground? Let’s look at the definition of the word relationship

Full Definition of RELATIONSHIP               

1:  the state of being related or interrelated <studied the relationship between the variables>
2:  the relation connecting or binding participants in a relationship: as
a :  kinship
b :  a specific instance or type of kinship
3a :  a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings <had a good relationship with his family>
b :  a romantic or passionate attachment
We start with the most abstract idea of relationship. It is the mathematical concept. In this concept, two numbers or variables have a relationship. They have a mutual interdependence.  Next we develop the concept a bit further with the idea of connection that binds the participants.  And reading down the shades of meaning further we have the idea of kinship, a special kind of interaction. Finally we come to the idea of romantic, passionate or even sexual interaction. Interaction is the basic theme from logical to passionate. This is a mutual interaction and dependency.
Since we are talking about a relationship with the ground let’s also take a brief look at the idea of the ground.
noun, often attributive \ˈgrau̇nd\
the ground : the surface of the earth
: the soil that is on or under the surface of the earth
a :  a basis for belief, action, or argument <ground for complaint> —often used in plural <sufficient grounds for divorce>  (

Of course the ground often refers to the surface of the earth. But another thing that is interesting and vital to those who walk and run on the surface of the earth  is the idea that the earth is the basis for action. All our actions are based on the supportive surface of the earth and our organization in gravity. How do we stand? How do we move forward? Remember “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Finally there is the word earth itself. Earth of course is the planet on which we live, the theater in which we live out this physical life. The word earth can also refer to the people of earth. So the theme of this article will be interaction with the forces that make for good running and good living on the earth and kinship with nature. Remember that we call it mother earth, and that mother earth refers to the entire system of the planet and not just the dirt underfoot.
Now let’s put all of this together and have some fun looking at different ways that people relate to the ground.
Here is picture and a video link to soldiers goose-stepping. This style of marching is designed to show might and intimidating military force. Might and force are the themes. Notice the relationship to the ground. It is as if a great but organized horde are stomping on the ground, trampling what might be in the way. It is done with heavy boot. This is not the most efficient form of walking or marching, but that is not the point. This style of marching would look very silly in bare feet or moccasins. Try goose-stepping a few steps and see what is feels like. Go ahead, try it, but don’t hurt yourself as this kind of walking is not necessarily good for the joints or the earth. 
(Link to watch: 

Now notice the similarity to this common sight. Here is a runner with a heavy heeled padded running shoe with a very prominent over stride, locked out knee and extreme heel strike. What is this runner’s relationship with the ground? By the way, he is trying to run fast. But he is using the power of the legs to do so. What is the emotional statement here?

What is our emotional statement when we run? Have you thought about your relationship with the ground? What would happen if you ignored variables in an equation? But what would happen further if you ignored your lover, the one you were passionate about. We often find in native cultures a treasure of knowledge about life, nature, and the ground.  Often profound ideas are preserved through dance. Notice the hip flexion, and the gentle tapping placement of the foot in the next picture. The ground is treated like a friend to play with, cooperate with, and use for enjoyment and expression. If you have time to do so, watch the following video twice. Watch once to see the dance, and once to try a few of the movements. If you don’t have time to watch twice then visualize doing the movements with the dancer. Have fun.


Now we will look at what we can learn about our relationship with the ground from another culture. Remember when you are watching this that all correct action lengthens the spine. Visualize the gentle yet powerful way that the ground is used here.


Think again while looking at the picture of the Africans running below that all correct action ideally lengthens the spine. Notice the flow and the action of the hip flexors and the opening of the hips while the feet drop gently to the ground.

What is the correct use of the ground? And what is the correct posture for running? It depends on the exact action you are performing. How available is are your hips for turning? How is your vision directed for the present action? The ball carrier in red below is demonstration excellent self usage and balance for the current task. The runner on the right is adopting a posture more suitable for straight line speed. Both have a great relationship with the ground. I hope you get a chance to play with some of these movements. How has your running been informed by considering your relationship to the ground, to the earth?

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